Really, i cant put it any other way... Well... any other way that wouldnt involve alot of swearing, check my reviews, i do that alot, but i will honour this one without CUSSING! Anyhoo, that was ace, trully... I love SW, i love spoofs... I love SW spoofs, and well... thats pretty much it... Does that say something about me? Ho hum, i can NOT wait for the second one so im infact going into the future.... Ta ra.....
MEMEMEEEELLOOOOO - goes to future
OOOOOLLEEEEMEMEM - back from future... (avoiding copyright)
Wow... what a let down. I didnt think you would bring the whole bantha bestiality porn into it... Although i suppose i was a bit turned on when famer vader came out with the lightsaber for an "inspection".
Well i cant wait till this comes out in this time... So i can watch it.. again and not have to go to the future and all, with the risk of getting raped by mutant 3 armed warchildren.
Well untill then
May the sporks be with you, oh how they shatter and pierce with flying debris...