this isthe worst submision ive ever seen.
this would nbever happen in dbz. Wtf why is vegeta a doctor? it dosnt matter he has no job, he saves the world.
goku is strong okay (but i like vegeta better) and i doubt hed ever get a colonial hermina. and from doing weights on his arms wtf.
why does he even fly like that, why dosnt vegeta just go rob a bank (i know he went good but he is still bad) if he needs mopney. bulma is rich
why does bulma sound like she is from new zeeland, i know she is jhapanese but okay ni the voice acting by americans she is american so why have you gotten an new zeeland voice acter to do the voice?
graphics are okay, i do fan art of dbz and its pretty good like this. music was okay, a remix of we gotta powa if i think. voiceing was really bad (noo zeeland, reall;y?)
but because it was of dbz i give you 4.5 stars.