Hey alright, I remember this!
This is a lot better than I remember it being, but still not as good as it could be.
While Civilized-Apocalypse and Otherwake are slightly harsh in their critique, they do have a few good points.
First though, do whatever you want. It's totally up to you what style you do this in, or what direction you take. Sounds pretty patronising but it's true.
So while you can ignore people telling you what animation style to do this in, you should probably look at the other bits of critique they give. Like vectoring the backgrounds.
I'm not an expert at vectoring and only just about understand the word, but kinda understand what Civilized says. They do look nice, don't get me wrong, the backgrounds DO look great. But when you've got your somewhat stiff and flat animation over the top, it kinda brings the aesthetics down.
Sure, the animation was quite fluid, and some tweens looked nice, but I feel they still looked a tad robotic. For example, when Mido is practicing his swing, his whole body is practically straight upright, and rather rectangular. While some swordsmen might say that's good form (LOL), I reckon he looked too cuboid, as with most of the other characters.
Voices weren't the best in the world really, and again felt flat and forced. I'm sure you're aware of some of the amazing VA talents here on NG, and while I'm not suggesting you get them to voice act for you, I recommend upping the quality of your own VA'ers. The microphones used seemed to be quite quiet, but the real issue lies in the believability of the spoken dialogue. I'm not talking about the plot, that's something entirely different, but how the voice actors/actresses deliver the lines.
I'd love to see this series continue, and to see everyone who was involved skills improve.
If you all put in that extra effort, it will show in your work, for sure. Again, kinda patronising, but totally true and relevant to this piece.
Oh, the choice of music was fine, excellent even. I liked it, really enjoyed it.
Diggs is still my favourite character, probably still because of his lines (and his voice actor wasn't half bad either), but also cause of his random and erratic behaviour.
Anyway, keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing more from you and your team!